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SL Give Away :: Week One

Sage Luxury Week 1 Winner: Congratulations to Leah!

Her spirited winning comment stated that if she saw someone with one of our bags walking down the street she would yell, "Run, you get a five minute head start!" before she'd chase. We also loved the Mary Poppins reference, Stacey Ann!
Luxury staff say: Watch out, Leah! You'll have to look out for people who will chase you and your new Offhand Designs bag! 

Give Away Prize:  Audrey in Eleanor by Offhand Designs

Offhand Designs offers up the chance for Sage Luxury visitors to win this beautiful, medium sized satchel bag with a doctor frame in lush vintage cut velvet! Did you know that all Offhand Designs bags are made in Oakland, California in extremely small limited editions? This unusual line of handbags, travel bags and knitting accessories are functional but fashionable. They are also backed up by a customer service team that rivals Nordstrom!
Not a day goes by when a perfect stranger will stop and ask 'where did you get that bag' no matter which design you are toting!

In the comment line below or on our Sage Luxury Facebook page, please tell us a fun story about a complement you have received while carrying Offhand Designs bags... or if you are not lucky enough to own one yet, what would YOU say if you saw this beautiful Audrey bag walking down the sidewalk on a friend's arm???

Good luck and check back soon to find out what we are giving away next or sign up for our Mailing List so that you do not miss out!!

13 Responses

Stacey Ann
Stacey Ann

November 30, 2013

I love every one of my OHD bags and switch from bag to bag every week. My friends call me the “Bag Lady.”
Stangers often make compliements referencing Mary Poppins and I usually reply with “Yes, it’s full and you never know what I am going to pull out of it!”

Catherine Briggs
Catherine Briggs

November 29, 2013

I have an OH circular needle holder but it stays in hiding so I would love a big bag that I could show off. Audrey would do that.

Carol Welle
Carol Welle

November 28, 2013

I have had my OH bag for a very short time after searching for the “perfect” knitting bag for over two years. I carry it proudly everywhere I go. The comments from my knit shop friends have been “I love that bag where did you find that?” I hope I can have another OH bag some day. I work at our local hospital and all our docs would be proud to carry an OH bag!

Kerri K
Kerri K

November 28, 2013

Oh, to have such a beautiful bag! I dream of owning a ohd bag someday!
I’ve thought of several ways to say ‘please pick me’ but I’ve been near a ohd bag and just couldn’t keep my eyes off it (okay, wanted to touch too). Each one has such a different look but just as gorgeous.

annalouiza armendariz
annalouiza armendariz

November 28, 2013

i scrimp and save for an OH bag and now i own three. i’ve even gifted a bag to a friend just because i decided she really should have a beautiful purse in her life. She had none at the time so the OH is the crowned queen in her life.

Sometimes my bags are full of knitting supplies and other times, more likely, it is filled with kid necessities: rescue remedy pastilles, odd assortment of colored pencils, pads of paper, a lip gloss, lists of items i can’t forget to pick up from sundry kid locales. i receive compliments from crafty people, mamas, and the connoisseur of beauty.

A few years, while traveling, i noticed a woman admiring my bag. We were in the security line at the airport and she was behind me in line. i shuffled through to my assigned place in the x-ray line and i then found her behind me. She had other options for quicker lines but opted to step up closer to view the bag. Her comments began with how lovely my bag and when i offered to show her the inside, i saw her eyes grow lively with lust. “OH what a lovely bag”, she whispered, “where could i buy one?” i told her the name of the site on the web and regardless of whether or not she bought one, i thought we had the loveliest ‘purse-crush’ moment in the hub of the airport.

Ahh, the joy of sharing an Offhand luscious moment with another.

Please, i want to win another beauty!!!


And thank you for being so amazing!

M. Watts
M. Watts

November 27, 2013

My bag was a big hit at the steam punk con in Madison Wisconsin a few weeks ago.


November 27, 2013

I have a bit of a problem with OHD bags…I think I have six. (!) They’ve all gotten lots of compliments, but once when I was travelling with my favorite bag, Eve (in Bullseye, the first OHD bag I ever bought), someone actually offered to buy it from me on the spot. Needless to say, I refused!


November 27, 2013

I have one bag and 2 needle holders that all match and my knitting friends are always trying to trade with me for their bags. Hah not a chance! Would love to have a slightly larger one and oh by the way did I mention that aqua/turquoise is my favorite color!


November 27, 2013

Miss Eleanor Audrey…your velvet blu’ is over the moon…

How I adore’ my ohd bags,
and who’s counting?
Thanks Bunches! ohd team, wonderful contest!


November 27, 2013

I am lucky enough to have several Offhand bags. I had an admirer follow me all over a quilt shop one day when I was teaching a knitting class and using one of my Offhand bags. She HAD to have that bag, she wanted to buy it on the spot. I explained to her that she could go on the website and find out what shops carried the bags and call up and order one for her very own. I found out later she asked the owner for my email address pretending to want to take my knitting class. Instead she continued to dog me for that bag. I think eventually she ended up finding the exact same bag in Hawaii or something like that. Look what you’ve gone and done – created obsessive fans LOL ! I LOVE my bags and would love a new one. Thanks Melody


November 27, 2013

I am truly addicted to these bags. Not only are they gorgeous, but I get compliments when I travel with them—and I don’t mind being likened to Mary Poppins!

Rosemary Capitolo
Rosemary Capitolo

November 27, 2013

In 2012 I bought a bag at Stitxhes West. It was a real stretch for me financially and I even slept on the decision before going back and buying it on Saturday. Several months later I was diagnosed with ovation cancer. For several months after my operation and the beginning of chemo I was too sick and tired to even knit. I knew I was getting better when I pulled my knitting bag out and started a simple project. My husband was walking by then coach one day where I was sprawled out and he stopped and said: “I’m so glad you bought that bag. It’s beautiful, elegant and special. And……I catch you smiling every time you look at it.” I cried.


November 27, 2013

I am not yet the proud owner of an OD bag……..

If I saw one of my friends with a bag (Zhivago weekend, perhaps) I would have to be honest and say I would yell “Run, you get a five minute head start!”

Seriously, if one of my friends to own a bad or if I managed to espy one on the streets in the wild, I know I could be perfectly comfortable stopping that person and asking about the bag because clearly, another owner of an OD bag understands the bag lust.

In closing, this is my birthday today……… c’mon RNG!

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